Run That Town

Posted by IAB Australia On July 16, 2013 Research & Resources


June – July 2013 winner: Run That Town
Client: Australian Bureau of Statistics
Creative Agency: Leo Burnett
Campaign type: Microsite
Industry: Government

Campaign Information
Leo Burnett’s objective was to show disinterested Australians the importance of the latest Census data release, so they gave them a hands on experience with the data. They turned the Census data from every one of Australia’s more than 2,500 postcodes into a game “Run That Town”, which lets users take control of their town, make decisions and consult with locals modelled on their neighbourhood’s real demographics.

Featuring over 300 possible projects, Run That Town let users use the Census data in their local area, making these statistics interesting and relevant, as well as showing their own neighbourhood in a whole new light.

In just a few months after its launch, the game has been downloaded over 61,000 times. The fact that the Australian Bureau of Statistics – a government department – has chosen such an innovative way to engage everyday Australians has become a news story in its own right, with Run That Town featured on news, entertainment and gaming sites.

Judge’s Comment
Took a mobile gaming trend and made it effective while keeping it fun. Actually made me give a damn about the census.



IAB Australia

IAB Australia is the peak trade association for online advertising in Australia. As one of over 43 IAB offices globally and with a rapidly growing membership, the role of the IAB is to support sustainable and diverse investment in digital advertising across all platforms in Australia.
