Spotlight | 2012 IAB Awards

Posted by IAB Australia On July 19, 2012 Research & Resources


2012 IAB Awards | Best in Show Winner

Agency: Leo Burnett
Client: Australian Bureau of Statistics

Many people – in particular Gen Y – saw the Australian Census as an obligation, which affected participation rates and ultimately the quality of the information gathered.

Leo Burnett created an interactive microsite which showed users how their Census data could influence decisions that would shape their community and the future of Australia. Based on their age, occupation, residential area and ancestry past, each user had a different experience. Once users answered questions about themselves, the site generated a unique infographic: a personalised self-portrait of their Census data.

With the use of animation, humour and social media as the main tools for targeting, the microsite turned a bureaucratic exercise into something people truly wanted to engage with.

Just a few weeks after launch, and without paid media support, the website had been visited by over 250,000 people, each spending on average more than four and a half minutes on it. More than 37,600 personalised infographics were generated and shared online with over 61,500 views and 4,500 likes.


IAB Australia

IAB Australia is the peak trade association for online advertising in Australia. As one of over 43 IAB offices globally and with a rapidly growing membership, the role of the IAB is to support sustainable and diverse investment in digital advertising across all platforms in Australia.
