Australian Online Landscape Review – July 2015

Posted by Melani Theodorou On August 19, 2015 Audience Measurement and Industry Ratings, Research & Resources

The online landscape in July saw Australians spend 37 hours online over 63 sessions; with 40 billion minutes spent online.

As the financial year came to a close, Australians worked to get their affairs in order to report earnings to the Australian Taxation Office, driving up Government services website visits significantly.

In addition, financial institutions sites reported shifts year on year in terms of engagement per age as well as growth in duplicated audiences between banks.


  • CMV Fast Facts: Baby Boomers Have The Renovating Bug
  • Nielsen Twitter TV Ratings: Network Ten takes the top 3 spots in Non-Sport Twitter TV activity in July, with Masterchef taking top spot followed by The Bachelor. In sport activity, State of Origin took first place followed by The Ashes.

Download the full report below.

Melani Theodorou
