AdTech Matters – Privacy Sandbox Update, Buy-Side Transparency Standards & Updated Webmaster Guidelines

On February 17, 2021 buy-side transparency standards, google search console, privacy sandbox. adtech matters

Every fortnight we’ll bring you some recent technical updates and trends that we feel you’ll all find useful. Today’s topics include:

Forthcoming Buy-Side Transparency Standards – a lot is happening in the programmatic transparency space. Enormous efforts recently across the industry have hugely improved transparency on the sell-side… and now it’s time for the buy-side to step up.

Privacy Sandbox Update – we’ll take a closer look at the latest moving parts in the proposed future frameworks for interest-based advertising on the web.

Google Search Console’s updated guidelines for News and Discover – webmasters need to be across the latest guidelines of violation for content policies for Google News and/or Discover… and their potential implications.

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