Each month, Denise Shrivell presents us with, Article Watch. She will link you straight to interesting and relevant content and opinions which she’s seen from both local and overseas sources – as well as insights and guides unique to MediaScope.
We did our Best, But Were Powerless to Reinvent Journalism – It was a Digital Riptide (via PaidContent) – 60 senior media & technology players share their views on the massive disruption of our industry over the past three decades. Fascinating.
New Google Phone Whispers Ads Into User’s Ears – (via TheOnion) – if you’ve ever worried about the power and persuasion in our lives of uber sites-like Google then this parody video will confirm all of your fears.
Digital People Profiles (via MediaScope) – over the past 3 years over 100 of the most experienced and well known people in Australian digital media have been asked a series of questions through industry trade site – Digital Ministry
5 Things Publishers Should Know About Private Ad Exchanges (via Advertising Age) – private ad exchanges are the rage, a way for publishers to participate in the real-time, auction-based online ad market without doing business with third party ad networks. As News Corp. CEO Robert Thomson said when News Corp. launched one a few weeks back, “Third parties are no longer invited to the party.”
Do you want a digital agency or a technology partner? (via TrinityP3) – Following a presentation at the AIMIA V21 Digital Summit in Melbourne last November, there was an opportunity to reflect on the distinctions noted between the need for a digital agency and a technology partner. This post followed on from sharing the original presentation on Slideshare.
What journalists need to know about responsive design: tips, takeaways & best practices (via Poytner.org) – Phones and tablets have created new ways for audiences to reach our work, but they’ve also made it much harder to design a website that works for all readers. A site that looks great on a laptop might be illegible on a phone, while a sleek design on a tablet might look simplistic on a desktop monitor.
How we use Facebook to grow traffic on Lost At E Minor (via Conversant Media) – Over the past two years, Lost At E Minor’s Facebook Wall has attracted one of the largest followings for an Australian-based publication. By way of a comparison, where Lost At E Minor currently has 40,000 Likes, the erstwhile Sydney Morning Herald only has 36,300. Not bad for a small business, with a very small team.
Can the Coalition’s NBN keep pace with change? (via Emma Alberici – ABC) – In the early 90s, we couldn’t grasp the revolutionary potential of the World Wide Web. Two decades later, the Coalition is brushing off the need for faster download speeds.
Facial recognition: is it nearly here? (via WallBlog) -This year we have already seen some exciting technologies announced through shows such as SXSW. Some of those innovations have been discussed a lot recently, such as Google Glass, smart fridges connected to the internet and the whole issue of the ‘internet of things’. But a couple of months is a long time in the technology; so what’s new?
Article Watch is provided by Denise Shrivell at Mediascope