Digital Out of Home Webinar: From Go to Whoa

Recent Events

This session is designed for both traditional OOH buyers looking to understand digital and programmatic OOH as well as digital investors looking to understand the nuances of DOOH opportunities. This webinar will cover:

  • The brief to activation process for DOOH (including programmatic DOOH)
  • Measurement and verification techniques
  • Consumer behaviour trends over the last few months – footfall patterns for retail, food & drink, commuting, recreation and the workplace.

Download the deck and watch the video below.

Gai Le Roy – CEO, IAB
Trisia Wiecek – Senior Manager, Engagement, MediaMath
Jo Dick – Head of Partnerships, Outdoor & Audio , OMG
John McNerney – Director Platforms ANZ, Verizon Media
Mo Moubayed, Founder, Veridooh
Alicia Placer , Head of Partnerships, Blis


