The IAB Ad Effectiveness Council provides guidance to the industry on the best methods to assess the business impact of marketing activities, along with insight and inspiration to help marketers optimise their digital advertising investment. Council members are passionate measurement professionals from a range of media owners, agencies, advertisers, data companies, measurement and research companies.
As the industry adapts to meet consumers greater expectations for data privacy and marketers adjust their advertising activities and measurement toolkits in response to greater restrictions on device IDs and third-party cookies, the IAB Advertising Effectiveness Council strive to highlight the innovations occurring across the industry to protect the insights that businesses need to grow. The council aim to provide thought-leadership, guidance, and best practices for resilient techniques to assess the impact of digital advertising as part of the broader media mix into the future.
The IAB Ad Effectiveness Council’s recent key projects are outlined below. The Council also help set the agenda for the IAB’s annual measurement conference, MeasureUp, along with the IAB’s Measurement Council.
Ad Effectiveness Council members:
- Yasmin Sanders – Samba TV (industry co-chair)
- Jem Slacedo– Azerion
- Sebastian Diaz – Bench Platforms
- Gavin Merwood – Brand Metrics
- Stephen Kyefulumya – Carsales
- Vanessa Adams – Cint
- Andrew Macdonald – Dentsu
- Deryck Wills – Digital Remedy
- Neil Anderson – Double Verify
- Andrew Rudd – Experian
- Amir Jangodaz – Google
- Denise McCormack – Hatched Media
- John Nguyen – IAS
- Gagan Batra – Insighten
- Andreea Chirila– Kantar
- Steven McMahon – Lifesight
- Aimy Le – Meta
- Ian Garland – Milton Data
- Matt Farrugia – Mutinex
- Stephen Warren – News Corp
- Kirsten Riolo – Nielsen
- Jonathan Fox – Nine Entertainment
- Mark Griffiths – OnDevice Research
- Liam Pook – PHD
- Dave Goodfellow – Pinterest
- John Hawkins – PlaygroundXYZ
- Rowena Newman – Publicis Groupe
- Aurelien Thuaud – REA Group
- Jonathan Henshaw – Ryvalmedia
- Ashley Spinks – Seven West Media
- Rory Dolan – TikTok
- Rahila Nadir – Yahoo
The IAB Australia Advertising Effectiveness Council recent projects:
- Marketing Measurement Innovation Series: this series of whitepapers provide a range of perspectives, guidance, and real case studies on how the industry is moving marketing measurement beyond the cookie. The series focuses on the developments across first-party data unlocking measurement capabilities, advances in AI and machine learning plugging data gaps, changes in market mix modelling and the importance of continued experimentation.
- IAB Foundations of market mix modelling training: this free online training course provides an understanding of the foundations of market mix modelling, including the fundamentals of the methodology, when you should use it, how it works, what is driving increased usage, and how the technique is evolving.
- Ad Attention Measurement Landscape: this whitepaper contains the largest collation of information and perspectives on ad attention measurement available in the Australian marketplace. This Report cuts through the hype to provide balanced information on the emerging techniques for measuring advertising attention, helping marketers explore the various methodologies and identify which will work best for their activity and business scale.
- Ad Effectiveness Fundamentals Training Course: this free online training program provides the steps to prepare for conducting successful ad effectiveness measurement and an understanding of the commonly used methodologies. It also provides an overview of some of the more emerging techniques for evaluating advertising.