2015 Mobile Landscape Survey Results

Posted by Christian Manie On April 20, 2015 Research & Resources

The IAB Australia 2015 Mobile Landscape Survey Results are in.

Conducted in April 2015 by Hoop Group, the survey is a snapshot of the nation’s mobile advertising industry and a look into what the industry will look like in in the near future.

Among the findings presented in the results:

  • 41% of the market now see mobile advertising as a significant part of their marketing and expect to use mobile in half of their campaigns.
  • Even with a rapidly expanding market with many new advertisers, satisfaction with the effectiveness of mobile advertising has increased, with 93% of the buy side satisfied with their results.
  • Not surprisingly programmatic is an increasingly important part of mobile advertising – 48% had used mobile programmatic in the last 2014 survey, this has increased to 66% with a further 23% expecting to use it in the coming 12 months.

Download the full deck of results below.

Christian Manie
