Fairfax Metro Mobile Research Study – October 2012

Posted by IAB Australia On October 17, 2012 Research & Resources

Summary of findings:

  • Smartphone penetration continues with half of the Australian population (12 million) currently using a smartphone – by 2015, it is expected that over three-quarters of the Australian population will be using a smartphone
  • Mobile internet usage is just as common while out and about as while relaxing at home with 68% of Fairfax Metro’s mobile audience using the internet on their mobile at home, and 60% while commuting on public transport
  • Dual screening while using mobile internet is the norm with just under 40% of Fairfax Metro’s smartphone audience use the internet on their phone while watching TV every day
  • News & weather still dominates as the most viewed content on a smartphone with at least 80% of Fairfax Metro’s mobile audience accessing news content on their mobile (81% female; 92% males)
  • The Fairfax Metro smartphone audience actively engage their mobile device in the path to purchase

IAB Australia

IAB Australia is the peak trade association for online advertising in Australia. As one of over 43 IAB offices globally and with a rapidly growing membership, the role of the IAB is to support sustainable and diverse investment in digital advertising across all platforms in Australia.
