Google: Online Research Driving Offline Purchase

Posted by IAB Australia On June 20, 2012 Research & Resources

Consumers are increasingly engaging in a behavior called ROPO: research online, purchase offline. We partnered with Görtz to quantify ROPO levels for their brand and to benchmark their incremental in-store sales against the online sales generated. We discovered that sales revenues from customers who performed ROPO were disproportionately high. For every €1 of sales generated online, another €0.93 is generated offline.


  • Quantify the number of users that research online, purchase offline (ROPO)
  • Benchmark the incremental in-store sales against the online sales generated
  • Get insights on ROPO effect for retailers


  • Test the Görtz ROPO effect
  • Relevant search queries triggered Görtz Adwords ad
  • Track usage of discount coupon on landing page with offer for on and offline


  • For every 100x coupons redeemed through the online shop, a further 51x coupons were redeemed in-store following online research
  • For every €1 of sales generated online, another €0.93 of offline revenue is generated

IAB Australia

IAB Australia is the peak trade association for online advertising in Australia. As one of over 43 IAB offices globally and with a rapidly growing membership, the role of the IAB is to support sustainable and diverse investment in digital advertising across all platforms in Australia.
