With Motor Vehicles now the largest category for online advertising spend (general display) in 2012*, it was no wonder the IAB Automotive Seminar on 26 Feb was jam-packed! The delegate list read like a rather impressive car showroom with brands such as Audi, Ferrari, Lexus, Maserati, Mercedes Benz and VW in the audience.
The morning seminar included insights from TMS, Audi & Holler Sydney, InMobi & MediaMotive, on topics such as the new consumer and path to purchase, using innovation to connect with the new, hyper-informed and technologically connected consumer and how to make measurement meaningful. We also revealed the findings of a brand new research by InMobi on how Australian consumers are using their smartphones when buying a new car.
Key themes covered by all speakers included understanding and listening to your consumers, especially in the way they consume media on multiple devices and at different stages of the purchase patch; importance of mobile as an auto information seeking medium; simplifying measurement and ensuring you are measuring the right things; and using innovation and creativity to compete in the extremely competitive automotive sector.
The full presentations from the event can be downloaded below but here are some of the key take-outs from each of the presentations:
Samantha Yorke, IAB
The New Consumer & Path to Purchase
Helen Karabassis, TMS
Ally Cooney, TMS
– Consumers’ basic needs are the same – but their expectations are higher
– Deliver consistent online and offline brand experiences
– Our 3 key principles: Always on, We’re storytellers, Add value)
How To Connect With An Increasingly Advertising Averse, Hyper Informed And Technologically Connected Consumer Through Innovation
Gual Barwell, Holler Sydney & Helen Luong, Audi Australia
– Brands need to practice what they preach
– Think beyond the car
– Customers are your strongest asset – listen, learn and adapt
– The most valuable asset you have is the customer that repurchases.
– Urbanisation is inevitable, manufacturers need to be thinking about the changing nature of automotive retail touch points
Insights: How Do Australian Consumers Use Their Smartphones When Buying A New Car?
Rupert Pay, InMobi
– Mobile is as influential as traditional online
– Car buyers are looking for auto content at least once a week
– Weekends (+ primetime weekdays) present significant opportunities
– Syncing with offline is more important than traditional online
– It’s about price, promotions, and product info. They will find a dealer
– Car buyers don’t just visit car sites – they use other sites and apps too!
Data Overload, And How To Make Measurement Meaningful
Sam Granleese, MediaMotive
– Track progress = Is everything going to plan?
– Analyse = Why isn’t it going to plan? Fix the problem.
– Gain insight = Give me a better understanding; something I don’t already know.
– Plan for the future= Let’s do it better next time. Let’s refine our strategy.
* PwC – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – December 2012