IAB Native Advertising Seminar – Presentations Available

Posted by IAB Australia On February 04, 2014 Research & Resources

08:30 Arrival & Registration

09:00 Welcome & Introduction
Alice Manners, CEO, IAB Australia

09:10 The End of Web Ad Evolution? 
The social mobile opportunity for brands is huge, but the challenge for publishers & platforms has been how to deliver their ads while not disturbing the user’s natural experience of that environment. Marie will share examples and touch on guidelines to transform your advertising messaging into a branded experience.
Marie Sornin, Global Revenue, Twitter

09:30 What Works in Native Advertising
Creative showcase
Ben Cooper, Director of Digital, The Monkeys

09:50 Advertorial Is Dead, Long Live Native Advertising
Felix Krueger, the mastermind behind the Brand Discover work at Fairfax, will outline which content creation principles publishers, agencies, and brands should follow to successfully offer truly engaging Native Advertising experiences.  
Felix Krueger, Emerging Solutions Specialist, Fairfax Media

10:10 Social Sharing with a Purpose – Why EQ Matters More than IQ
Social is the new starting point for how we discover and share news with our friends. Brands now have a unique opportunity to connect and engage users by creating social content that users want to see and most importantly, share. Andy will show why EQ matters more than IQ in social advertising and why distribution is just as important as creating quality content.
Andy Wiedlin, Chief Revenue Officer, BuzzFeed

10:40 Panel Q&A 
11.00 End


IAB Australia

IAB Australia is the peak trade association for online advertising in Australia. As one of over 43 IAB offices globally and with a rapidly growing membership, the role of the IAB is to support sustainable and diverse investment in digital advertising across all platforms in Australia.
