iCrossing: How to use Google+ to Drive Traffic and Improve your Visibility Online

Posted by IAB Australia On June 20, 2012 Research & Resources

An Overview
Developments are afoot once more for Google, with a new format for the integration of Google+ searches making its way onto our screens. This new format means that brands on Google+ can now occupy a much larger proportion of the search results screen than they did previously.

This appears to be a simple progression of the new Search Plus Your World update that we discussed back in January, which primarily sees the Google+ page recommendations/latest posts appear at the top right of the screen as opposed to its previous location within the search listings.

Ultimately Google want to build what they believe to be a true representation of organic results (albeit with bias towards their own search platform) and are looking to shake up the way that results are displayed as well as the quality of these results. Having their own search platform means that they can build a (possibly) truer picture of what a searcher is trying to locate, while subsequently reducing the authority that links alone have in influencing results. This puts more pressure on companies to be creative with their SEO strategy.


IAB Australia

IAB Australia is the peak trade association for online advertising in Australia. As one of over 43 IAB offices globally and with a rapidly growing membership, the role of the IAB is to support sustainable and diverse investment in digital advertising across all platforms in Australia.
