Marketing Mag: Mobile myth busting 10 mobile marketing porkies

Posted by IAB Australia On January 07, 2013 Research & Resources


With mobile advertising set to grow by 67% in 2013, it’s a hot and controversial topic that is generating strong opinions on all sides. Some claim that mobile isn’t a good investment choice while others think it’s the only place to spend advertising dollars.

The Mobile Marketing Association has recommended that the money spent on mobile advertising should sit at 7% of marketers’ total advertising budget. With this figure projected to increase to 10% over the next four years, and new data from the Interactive Advertising Bureau of Australia showing that despite the slow decline in general advertising, online, mobile and video ad spending have generated twice as much growth throughout each quarter of this year.

It’s clear that when you cut through all the hype and look at statistics like these, mobile advertising is on the rise and is a powerful medium for those who have taken the time to test and learn.

So why are there so many misconceptions around mobile advertising, and how can we debunk some of these myths? Here are the top ten porkies being told about mobile advertising:

  1. Only young people and those without money are using mobile devices
  2. Our TV commercial is more important than launching a mobile site
  3. Understanding mobile is too hard
  4. All mobile is good for is app engagement and phone calls
  5. I don’t notice mobile ads, so why would my customers?
  6. Mobile ads aren’t engaging enough
  7. There is not enough real estate on mobile to get my message across
  8. Our third-party tracking doesn’t support mobile
  9. None of our competitors are on mobile so why should we be?
  10. If it isn’t broken, why fix it?

IAB Australia

IAB Australia is the peak trade association for online advertising in Australia. As one of over 43 IAB offices globally and with a rapidly growing membership, the role of the IAB is to support sustainable and diverse investment in digital advertising across all platforms in Australia.
