Marketing Mag: The future of online advertising – Part 1

Posted by IAB Australia On November 21, 2012 Research & Resources

Just under 10%. Possibly just on 10%, now. That’s the range mentioned when online advertising folk talk about the proportion of online ads currently served through automated trading in Australia, although the exact figure is not known. Two years ago, the US was sitting at less than 5%. In 2012, that figure has grown to more than 60%.

That Australia will follow a similar path to the US is not guaranteed, but it is highly probable and, if it does, estimates (guesses, really; there is presently no way to make informed projections) put the AsiaPacific real-time bidding (RTB) market at $5 billion by 2015. Even though the rate of uptake may not be the same – the number of sources of ad inventory in the States dwarfs that locally – the question is no longer ‘if ‘. It’s not even ‘when’.

There is no question anymore. Very soon, you will be purchasing online advertising through automated trading.

To put it simply, the rise of real-time bidding means that soon each impression will be sold individually, in the blink of an eye, bringing powerful targeting capabilities and increased efficiencies to advertisers.

IAB Australia

IAB Australia is the peak trade association for online advertising in Australia. As one of over 43 IAB offices globally and with a rapidly growing membership, the role of the IAB is to support sustainable and diverse investment in digital advertising across all platforms in Australia.
