MediaMind & DG: O2 Dual Screen Case Study for Million Pound Drop

Posted by IAB Australia On June 19, 2012 Research & Resources

The objective
Dual-screen media consumption is soaring. Watching TV while engaging online with content or friends via mobile device, iPad or laptop is becoming as natural as texting – especially for consumers of live entertainment programming like Channel 4’s Million Pound Drop Live. In fact, Thinkbox estimates that 60% of UK viewers go online while watching TV at least twice a week. For mobile technology and broadband provider O2, this trend in media usage offered a clear opportunity to capture and captivate its sweet-spot audience. The question was how to utilize both media effectively and in unison. They turned to the TV/Online powerhouse of MediaMind and DG for the solution, resulting in the industry’s firstever fully synchronized dual-screen ad campaign.

The Results
This breakthrough approach to branding generated equallybreakthrough metrics for O2. An estimated 189,000 viewersplayed the online game during a single show, representing 8.6%of the show’s total audience.

  • 17.4% watched the full four-minute video
  • 2.34% CTR
  • Channel 4 conducted a survey of 600 viewers who had interactedwith both the TV and online ads and reported a 10% higherpurchase consideration than those who viewed the TV ad alone.

IAB Australia

IAB Australia is the peak trade association for online advertising in Australia. As one of over 43 IAB offices globally and with a rapidly growing membership, the role of the IAB is to support sustainable and diverse investment in digital advertising across all platforms in Australia.
