Mobile Marketer: Making the most of a mobile video pre-roll

Posted by IAB Australia On January 11, 2013 Research & Resources

By Lauren Johnson, January 11, 2013
Marketers are increasingly looking to mobile video to add engagement to campaigns. However, with a small window of time to leave a lasting impression, nailing the mobile pre-roll is a must.

Even though there are big opportunities around mobile pre-rolls, there are still challenges around tracking and measurement. For the best results, marketers should tie pre-roll initiatives with other mobile video components.

“In order to make the most of their mobile pre-roll campaigns, marketers should require transparency into which apps and mobile Web sites they are running on and set very clear campaign goals and success metrics prior to campaign launch,” said Matt Young, director of mobile at BrightRoll, San Francisco.

IAB Australia

IAB Australia is the peak trade association for online advertising in Australia. As one of over 43 IAB offices globally and with a rapidly growing membership, the role of the IAB is to support sustainable and diverse investment in digital advertising across all platforms in Australia.
