Nielsen Australian Multi-Screen Report Q2 2012

Posted by IAB Australia On October 09, 2012 Research & Resources

Australians watch more than 100 hours of television per month across multiple screens, according to the latest Australian Multi-Screen Report covering the second quarter of calendar 2012.

Viewing to the traditional TV set remains strong and the report shows an increasingly connected audience whose steady embrace of new technologies creates additional flexibility to view.

Multi-Screen Report highlights include:

  • 19% of homes now have at least one tablet device.
  • 5% of the total online population say they watch some video on a tablet.
  • 45% of Australians watch some video (both broadcast and non-broadcast content) online, on average 3:58 per month.
  • 60% of online Australians aged 16+ multi-task (use their TV screens and computer screens simultaneously) at least some of the time.
  • 52% of Australians aged 16+ own a smartphone and spend on average 1:20 per month viewing any video on these devices.
  • Television reaches 62% of people aged 16+ between 8pm and 10pm each day compared to online video viewing that reaches 14% of people aged 16+ during that time.
  • People aged 18-24 spend the most time per month (6:25) of any age group watching any video on a PC; they have the highest proportion of TV viewing done as playback (9.6%); and they watch double the overall average amount of video on mobile phones (2:54 per month in Q4 2011, the latest quarter for which data is available).
  • Women make up 53% of the television audience whereas men dominate the vdeo viewing audience on the internet (61%) and on mobile phones (62%).


IAB Australia

IAB Australia is the peak trade association for online advertising in Australia. As one of over 43 IAB offices globally and with a rapidly growing membership, the role of the IAB is to support sustainable and diverse investment in digital advertising across all platforms in Australia.
