Project Clever Buoy

Posted by Kailei Ginman On June 13, 2014 Research & Resources

Clever Buoy is a project to develop a world-first shark detection system that aims to protect both the beach-goers and sharks. It began with a brief from our telecommunications client Optus, to showcase the power of their network. What resulted was a unique collaboration between Optus, Google and ourselves, to develop a rapid prototype.

The Clever Buoy detects sharks by using a world-first sonar system that measures their unique movement. Once a shark has been detected a real-time message is sent to the Lifeguard towers via the Optus Network. This information is also shared with scientists and researchers via private Google+ circles.

In the seven days since launching the prototype, the Clever Buoy has featured in over 227 news stories, reaching an audience of almost 10 million.

After developing the rapid prototype in 16 weeks, the team now moves to building a commercially viable product by the Australian summer. With the goal of providing a real alternative to current shark defence methods in Australia and worldwide – one that is more efficient, economical, and humane.

Kailei Ginman
