Connected TV Handbook: Update

On June 12, 2024 Research & Resources

The IAB Australia Video Council first published our guide to Connected TV in 2020. Given the significant developments across audience size, measurement capabilities, access to and use of data and interactive creative in this space over the last four years, we wanted to provide some updates in 2024.

The landscape of digital entertainment is experiencing a significant transformation, driven by the surge in Connected TV (CTV) ownership, which has led to a fundamental shift in how audiences consume content. This growth in digital streaming on CTV platforms has provided viewers with access to a diverse range of content, fuelled by technological advancements and evolving consumer preferences.

CTV provides the ability to reach multiple viewers across co-viewing environments that offers a more expansive experience for advertising, through a powerful platform for reaching audiences.

Members of the IAB Australia Video Council have collaborated on this handbook to help increase understanding across the industry of the developments in Connected TV.

Download your copy of the handbook below. 
