Get Ready for 2021 – Brush up on these 5 Topics

On December 17, 2020 Research & Resources

When thinking about the key trends and topics as we approach 2021 there were dozens of subjects were could have covered but the IAB team has selected the top 5 areas that people involved in the media and marketing industry will need to be across in 2021. Below we direct you towards some IAB resources (guides, articles and recorded webinars) that will ensure that you hit the ground running in the New Year.

  1. Data & Privacy

With data helping to fuel the digital economy along with growing regulation and scrutiny of its usage everyone in the industry needs to be up to date on this topic. IAB Australia will be launching Privacy Training in early 2021 to help support the industry.

  1. Connected TV

Media consumption and ad revenue for CTV exploded in 2020, we see this continuing in 2021 with marketers continuing to invest and explore the opportunities presented with Internet content on the big screen.

  1. Cookies & Identity

The race is on to find new ways to target and measure digital advertising activity across the ecosystem with a myriad of changes in relations to signals and privacy that have occurred or are on the radar. The IAB Australia team is excited about new approaches and innovation coming to this space.

  1. Standards & Transparency

Ensuring that advertising trading operates efficiently and effectively is vital to all of us in the industry. The IAB community locally and globally continues to provide the market with education, standards and best practice resources to ensure that we all make the most of our digital advertising investments.

  1. Market Revenue Trends

The Australian ad market has been on a bit of a rollercoaster over the last two years which has obviously been exacerbated by COVID, but luckily we have seen investment in digital advertising at the back end of 2020 in Australia. The quarterly IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Reports compiled by PwC provides the industry with vital trend data on shape and size of the digital advertising industry.

